
Explore the latest opinion articles and editorials on current events from a Black perspective with NewsOne. We deliver insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, from politics and social justice to entertainment and culture. Were the home of thought-provoking articles and exclusive viewpoints.


Who can defend voting rights? An appeals court ruling sharply limiting lawsuits looks likely to head to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives are suing a program designed to combat the “obstetric racism” that researchers say cause a disproportionate number of Black women to die from childbirth.

A series of "Karen" videos showing women weaponizing their whiteness against Black people underscore why racial profiling stories still matter so much.


Pastor Rhonda Thomas helped develop a digital toolkit that guides faith communities in teaching a complete retelling of Black history in their own way, in their own spaces.


Black-led community development financial institutions can counter barriers to prosperity.

Letitia James is poised to get the last laugh as Donald Trump continues to taunt the "racist" AG and "corrupt" judge at his civil fraud trial in New York City.


The law keeps guns from domestic abusers.


Polls may do poorly at picking a winner, but they do better in helping pollsters, journalists and voters understand what issues matter and why they matter.


The very thing that parental rights advocates want to exclude in 2023 is the very thing that parental rights groups of the 1960s fought to have included: an accurate depiction of Black people in tAmerican history and culture.

Despite the failures of Trump University, Donald Trump is promising to create an "American Academy" that will be federally funded and ban "wokeness" and "jihadism."

Virginia Republican Del. Tara Durant has been lying for years about being attacked by Black Lives Matter protesters.


White patients are more likely than Black patients to be given opioid medication for pain in American emergency departments.