
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.


History Again Now that the dust has settled, the euphoria or shock cooled, one thing stands out about the re-election of President Barack Obama.  History was made once again.  Yes, it was the first time a Black man was re-elected to a second term in office, it was the first time that a sitting president was re-elected […]

Although pundits, news outlets, and just about everyone else said that Republican Party presidential nominee Mitt Romney was in a narrow battle with President Barack Obama ahead of last Tuesday’s election, the numbers went in favor of the incumbent and gave the cocky former governor a sound defeat. With the GOP smarting from the loss, […]

After months of waiting on the result of this past week’s Election Day results and the triumph of President Barack Obama, fans of “Saturday Night Live,” the long-running variety show, were hopeful that the cast would not disappoint in delivering the goods on the defeat of GOP hopeful Mitt Romney. And they didn’t. SEE ALSO: Divided States […]

UPDATE: 11-14-12 The secession petitions just keep on rolling in. As of today, over 675,000 signatures have been acquired over petitions submitted for all 50 states. UPDATE: 11-13-12 Since the original writing of this article, citizens from *6 additional states have petitioned to secede from the United States, bringing the total to 26. The original […]

Well, GOP presidential loser, Mitt Romney (Pretty Mitty is what they call him), may not have been given the opportunity to fire Jim Lehrer and Big Bird, but he did manage to show his expertise — in a way that only Mittens can — in debt reduction. SEE ALSO: Cornel West: Obama Is A ‘Rockefeller […]

NewsOne Original, Politics

When I was a kid, one of my favorite church songs was “Victory is Mine”: Victory is mine, victory is mine, victory today is mine. I told Satan get behind, victory today is mine.  After people told us we couldn’t, we did. After some tried to take away our right to vote, we stood in […]


History was made three times Nov. 6! Not only did America re-elect President Barack Obama to his second term in office, but The Augusta Chronicle reports  in the state of Georgia, Lt. Richard Roundtree beat out Republican Freddie Sanders Tuesday night to become the first African-American Sheriff Elect in Augusta, Georgia, including Richmond County and […]


Rev. Al Sharpton, known for staying on the front lines and helping America confront its issues concerning race, recently was thanked by the Commander In Chief. President Barack Obama graciously thanked the reverend for his help in getting African-Americans energized to vote in the recent election, as well as keeping people informed on other racial […]


Smokey D. Fontaine is the Chief Content Officer of Interactive One. Follow him on Twitter @Smokey This felt like a racial moment, but, then again, it didn’t. The re-election of Barack Hussein Obama (love to The New York Times every time they print his whole name) at first triggered the same emotional cues as four […]

Even in defeat, Mitt Romney and the GOP still reek of unmitigated White privileged. Somehow, Romney, his team and the rest of GOP thought that they had the election so in the bag–and in their pockets: GOP candidate outspent Obama during the campaign–that the governor “was shellshocked” over his defeat, according to an aide interviewed […]


  Joshua Johnson is our latest NewsOne Guest Blogger. The 22-year-old mass communications student weighs in on the backlash of Barack Obama’s historic re-election. If you want your voice to be heard on any particular news topic, email your thoughts to Guestblogger@newsone.com and be sure to place GUESTBLOGGER in the subject line. We want to […]

Comparing a candidate’s political ideologies or even egos is one thing but sizing up…er…private parts is a horse of a different color!  The official Durex condoms feed on the Chinese version of Twitter, Sina Weibo, posted two images on Wednesday night that suggested in addition to having a greater number of electoral votes, that President Barack […]