
he consequences have been catastrophic particularly for Black girls and women.


For Black women, the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health, which eliminated the constitutional right to abortion, was the latest in a string of assaults on our right to reproductive health.

NAACP Vice President of Policy and Legislative Affairs Portia Reddick White said "any attack on our fundamental human rights is an attack on our democracy."


The debate over abortion often overshadows the other reproductive health inequities, such as high pregnancy-related complications and deaths that women of color face. This recent decision will only widen these gaps.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

While the entire Netflix series is an eye-opening discussion, Episode Four, entitled "Control," is about the fight for women's rights in the 1970s. Part of that battle gave the nation the decision in Roe establishing that there was a constitutionally protected right to privacy that covered abortion.  

The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus kept it 100.

The glee and excitement at the Supreme Court removing constitutional protection from a fundamental right should alarm us all.  


There is hardly any more fundamental human right than controlling our own bodies.

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Americans' constitutional right to abortion in a landmark ruling that strikes down Roe v. Wade.


As a Black woman who manages local campaigns to expand abortion access in Georgia, reading Justice Alito’s words reminded me of the oppressive history of the United States Supreme Court.


"This runaway Supreme Court majority and Clarence Thomas are trying to abuse and bully the American people," Jeffries said.

There is no Senate version of Pressley, Coleman, Lee or Rep. Cori Bush to share their voice and experience as Black women grappling with these issues.