
Let's resist the urge to take shots at political opponents at the expense of the 19 million people in the U.S. who live under the weight of a felony conviction.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is trying to redefine "all terms of sentence" within Amendment 4 for non-violence felons who now have a right to vote in the state.

Voting rights campaigners gathered enough signatures for a ballot initiative that would restore voting rights to 1.5 million felons.

Thousands of Black ex-felons were among the massive African-American voter turnout in Alabama that swept Doug Jones into the U.S. Senate.


Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin will prevent the restoration of voting rights for individuals who were convicted of non-violent crimes in the state of Kentucky by executive order.


President Obama had a triumph earlier this week when the Senate passed a fast-track bill, allowing him to have authority over negotiating trade deals. Many unions and congressional Democrats believe that free-trade deals put U.S. jobs in jeopardy and reward countries that mistreat workers. President Obama believes that it’s integral for products created in the […]

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As previously reported by NewsOne, Attorney General Eric Holder recently called on a group of states to restore voting rights to ex-felons. “Across this country today, an estimated 5.8 million Americans – 5.8 million of our fellow citizens – are prohibited from voting because of current or previous felony convictions,” he told a symposium on criminal […]