In a televised segment about the ongoing protests in Ferguson, Miss., over the brutal execution of 18-year-old teen Michael Brown, CNN’s international anchor, Rosemary Church (pictured left), suggested that officers should use water cannons to quell the crowds of ralliers. SEE ALSO: Watch Ferguson Cops Aggressively Push CNN News’ Don Lemon During Protest As Church […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

St. Louis police officer Darren Wilson is being confused with the officer that fatally shot Michael Brown on August 9th. Both officers share the same name, but the Darren Wilson who appeared Tuesday on “NewsOne Now” is making the case for diversity in law enforcement. Officer Wilson, President of the Ethical Society of Police, spoke […]

Thirteen organizations — which include the ACLU, NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Action Network, and Rainbow Push Coalition — sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding  a “comprehensive federal review” of excessive use of force and racial profiling by police across the country. “As we all mourn the loss […]

While I can appreciate Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) (pictured) not agreeing with Ferguson Mayor James Knowles’ foolish claims that “there is not a racial divide in the city of Ferguson,” I’m weary of anyone who uses phrases like “Anglo-American civilization.” Repeatedly at that with a selective interpretation of history, that when used, (indirectly or not) makes the […]

So many mistakes have been made in the name of “keeping the peace.” Such is the case for the school board in Compton, Calif., who reportedly voted to arm campus police officers with AR-15 rifles (pictured). And so, as students begin their school year this week, they can look forward to the prospect of their […]


Reports are coming in that yet another man was shot and killed by police in St. Louis, Missouri Tuesday afternoon. The event happened just days after 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed not far from St. Louis in Ferguson, Missouri. See More: Full coverage of the events in Ferguson. St. Louis police reportedly shot and killed a young black man Tuesday after, […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

Russel Honoré is a retired Lieutenant General who is best known for coordinating military relief efforts in the aftermath of  Hurricane Katrina. On Tuesday, Gen. Honoré  appeared on “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin to assess conditions on the ground in Ferguson, the National Guard’s involvement in the St. Louis suburb and explained what protesters should be doing to […]

Racial tensions have grown in the days since unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was black. Darren Wilson, the officer who shot him at least six times, is white. Then, almost immediately after Brown’s killing was made public, throngs of mostly black protesters hit the streets of Ferguson […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

Podcast: Download According to law enforcement officials in Ferguson, Mo., there is a small group of individuals that are turing peaceful protests into violent confrontations with police. What should the peaceful protesters do to stop those who are inciting violence at the Justice for Michael Brown rallies? Where is the mayor of Ferguson and where […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

Podcast: Download Russel Honoré is a retired Lieutenant General who is best known for coordinating military relief efforts in the aftermath of  Hurricane Katrina. On Tuesday, Gen. Honoré  appeared on “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin to assess conditions on the ground in Ferguson, the National Guard’s involvement in the St. Louis suburb and explained what protesters should be […]

If you were in control of a city government under siege with charges of racial profiling, police brutality and totalitarian administration, don’t you think you’d want some diverse voices in handling your response to the media? Well, clearly you’re not in charge of Ferguson, the Missouri city that the whole world is watching in the […]

Claudia Jordan was on the scene Friday morning as the Ferguson police chief revealed the name of Michael Brown‘s shooter. In a crowd full of…