The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has denied claims that Alexis Johnson and Michael Santiago were kept from covering the city's George Floyd protests because they are Black.


The list of unexpected allies stepping up for Black lives just grew a little bigger this weekend after one of the top online porn sites reportedly had a unique way of announcing that it was down for the cause.


Stephanie Rapkin, a 64-year-old white woman, was arrested twice this weekend stemming from an incident where she confronted people protesting George Floyd's police killing and spit on a Black teenager.


It's been a different kind of social distancing as protesters across the globe have united separately to demand racial and social justice as Black people continue to be killed with apparent impunity.


The book of life's ironies now includes a new chapter of police brutality thriving while the nation protests police brutality.


Our forever President Barack Obama addressed the nation during a virtual town hall event to offer some words of reassurance as the nation protests race-based police violence.

If white people truly do want to take more than some baby steps toward ending their race-based privileges, voting against Trump in 2020 is a better start than some symbolic anti-white privilege ceremony.