Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin broke his silence following his "secret" cancer diagnosis and treatment and emphasized cancer risks for Black men.


It was revealed Lloyd Austin has prostate cancer amid "no plans" for the Defense Secretary to resign over his secret recent hospitalizations.

As a political stunt, suspected white supremacist Marjorie Taylor Greene sponsored a bill to cut the salary of Lloyd Austin -- the first Black Secretary of Defense -- down to $1.

Recently confirmed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said he recommended the airstrike in Syria that targeted a militia supported by Iran that attacked Americans in Iraq. 

Explosives have gone missing from the largest Marines training base in the U.S. at around the same time the military is being investigated for right-wing extremists and white supremacists in its ranks.

The U.S. Senate voted to confirm retired Army General Lloyd Austin to be the next Secretary of defense, making him the first Black person to ever lead the federal agency.

Lloyd Austin was officially introduced as the Secretary of Defense-designate, allowing many Americans a first time to hear directly from the man at the center of a growing controversy over his pending nomination. Read his full speech here.