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Stockton California Police are investigating a possible hate crime after a black man was shot seven times by a white man he did not know after a traffic incident turned violent.

A very vocal white man on Hollywood Blvd recently felt it was his duty to call out the artwork for Meek Mill’s new album, Expensive Pain, somehow tying it to the disrespect of Black women

A group of Howard University students has taken over the Blackburn Center building on campus in an effort to amplify their demands, including changes to the board of trustees and addressing the HBCU's "housing crisis."


Florida Republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer ignorantly tweeted, "They let Magic Johnson play basketball with FULL-BLOWN HIV but won’t let Kyrie Irving play because he won’t get a COVID shot." Yes, really.

Robinson’s biggest fear after he was released from the hospital was regaining his singing voice. He could barely talk when he returned home and the experience to regain his gift was “one of the most frightening fights” he ever had.


Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson recently found himself under fire for catching the bigot holy ghost while speaking at churches to denounce educators for teaching students about the LGBTQ "filth" community.

A federal judge ordered accused Capitol rioter Samuel Lazar to remain jailed in part because of racist death threats posted on Facebook that suggest he's a danger to Black people.

The city of Detroit is moving forward with plans to reopen Michigan’s only historically black college. The PENSOLE Lewis College of Business is preparing to open in March 2022.

Not waiting for the Biden administration to defend the case or find another remedy, the group filed a motion to intervene. According to a statement released Tuesday afternoon, the group sees Section 1005 of the American Rescue Plan as a viable step toward addressing “ decades of well-documented discrimination at the hands of the USDA.”

In this case, Cameron seeks to revive litigation pertaining to a law banning a procedure commonly performed in abortions occurring after 14-weeks. Passed in 2018, the law was previously declared unconstitutional in large part because it is effectively an impermissible pre-viability ban.

Jelani Day's family suspects "foul play" and has ordered a third autopsy amid reports that the missing grad student's body was found missing vital organs along with his jaw "sawed out."

The city of Louisville has agreed to pay $75,000 to a Black couple—Anthony Parker Sr. and his then-fiancé Demetria Firman, who were pulled over in 2018 for failing to use a turn signal, despite body-cam footage showing they had used their turning signal—under the condition that they don't talk bad about police.