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13-year-old Zyairr Davis will remain behind bars without bail.

Black Twitter wasn't exactly downplaying the very real possibility of World War III after Trump authorized a military strike to kill a top-ranking Iranian military leader. The gifs and memes speak for themselves.

he assassination of a top Iranian official by a U.S.-sanctioned military strike on Thursday thrust the two countries closer to an all-out war, perhaps by design.

Pastor John Gray appeared to be in damage control mode after it was reported that his church in South Carolina was facing possible eviction over an unpaid debt to his landlord. Gray was speaking out about the development.

Pastor John Gray’s Relentless Church, which rents property in South Carolina from Redemption Church, is being evicted over some unpaid bills that the landlord has alleged in court documents.


A Black woman is suing the Marriott after being forced to sign a "no party policy" form.


Racist NYPD officer Michael Reynolds resigns prior to disciplinary case being launched.

A baby girl with a terminal illness will effectively be killed within a week after a Texas judge’s decision allows a hospital to remove the 11-month-old from life support.


Details surrounding Nick Gordon's death begin to surface following his suspected drug overdose.


Two writer slammed on social media after making comments about Blue Ivy Carter's features.

Former New York City Mayor and current Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said he had “no idea” if the corrupt NYPD officers who handled the Central Park 5 case "acted in good faith."

Michael Dean was not armed when Temple Police Department Officer Carmen DeCruz shot him in the head for "evading" during a traffic stop, a police report said.