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From the overall presentation to the Keisha Lance Bottoms' choice of holiday dishes, it seemed like everybody had something to say about her Christmas dinner that was not being prepared for them -- especially the macaroni and cheese.

The mothers of Botham Jean and Atatiana Jefferson shared Christmas messages in the weeks after their children's killers were sentenced to prison and arrested for murder, respectively.

Good News

A 4-year-old from Cleveland has launched her own baked goods business.

Good News

80-year-old Donzella Washington made history by becoming the oldest person to graduate from Alabama A&M University.


Our current President reportedly doesn't even get his wife a present for Christmas.


The spirit of giving is always accentuated during the holiday season, but rapper Blueface's benevolence backfired after he made it rain by throwing cash at homeless people living on Los Angeles' Skid Row.

Good News

Lil Nas X has teamed up with the Black-founded scholarship app Scholly to create $30,000 worth of scholarships.

Good News

A father-son duo from Virginia created a curriculum that teaches youth about financial wellness.


Eddie Murphy did not immediately respond to a critical statement from Bill Cosby's rep, but what seemed like the entire internet spoke up on the comedian's behalf defending his "America's Dad" joke on "SNL."


He talks about how it harms black kids' beliefs.


The grieving mother has words for former cop Aaron Dean.


He goes off on the comedian in searing post.