Articles to Sailthru newsletter

Coretta Scott King’s birthday is a chance to revisit her legacy as a steward of peace and justice.

Police Brutality

Attorneys for Derek Chauvin filed an 82-page appeal listing the reasons Chauvin didn't get a fair shake during his criminal trial last year for the murder of George Floyd.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is working overtime to enshrine Trump’s big lie into law while minimizing Black and Brown political power.


A new federal study has found a sharp increase in affluent white minors who say they carry a handgun or have carried one before. It also revealed a decline in Black and Native American minors who say the same.


A growing list of Shaun King's nicknames that have gone viral.


After Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, which Shaun King said was "about white power," King appeared to have deleted his Twitter account in protest. Later, he revealed that he didn't delete his account. He claimed he deactivated it because of death threats.

You may have heard of the terms “One Time,” "F*ck 12," or "5-0" but where do they come from and what do they even mean? NEWS-ONE takes a look at these law enforcement terms and their origins inside.

Being a private entity doesn't mean that a corporate space can do anything it pleases, particularly as shown by large social media sites that have a direct impact on elections and Democracy itself.


A growing number of social media reports claim the Grand Rapids police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya following a traffic stop over an alleged misdemeanor moving violation is named Christopher Paul Schurr.


Some people on Twitter appear to think Dave Chappelle has blown up DaBaby's spot now that a new video has been unearthed by Rolling Stone regarding the 2018 fatal shooting of Jaylin Craig.

Here are some countries that will welcome any Black Americans looking to relocate abroad.

Race Matters

White students from the Vidor Independent School District in Vidor, Texas, recorded themselves gleefully repeating the n-word and mocking Black people.