For a certain segment of Bill Cosby’s fan base, the legendary comedian is as pristine as it gets. That is, so long as he doesn’t step out of his place. The moment he does, all huckleberry hell breaks loose. Indeed, one quick scan of the virtual abyss — otherwise known as the comments section — and […]


 Today in Chicago, Illinois, President Barack Obama will travel to Hyde Park Academy to discuss proposals unveiled in his State of the Union address (SOTU) on Tuesday evening.  During perhaps the most moving part of his remarks, the President highlighted the tragic death of young Hadiya Pendleton who was gunned down by a stray bullet […]

Nation, NewsOne Original

NewsOne‘s readers are never shy about sharing their views, so we asked readers on  Facebook to give us feedback on President Barack Obama’s State Of The Union address last night. RELATED: SOTU: President Lays Out Ambitious Agenda For Second Term While Republicans Sulk [WATCH HERE] For the exercise, NewsOne asked readers to use only one […]


How aggressive was the first State of the Union of President Barack Obama‘s second term in office? The answer to that question lies in the frowns, sighs and other varying expressions of displeasure from Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH). As Obama spoke of greater investment in infrastructure and education, called for gun control […]