
The board of directors of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the University of Oklahoma has retained an attorney after the university closed the fraternity chapter on its campus last week. Lawyer Stephen Jones was hired by the alumni board of SAE at OU after the school disbanded and evicted the entire fraternity from campus, and was […]

With the recent bombing and shootings in Oslo committed by madman Anders Breivik, we decided to take a look back and find the 10 most notorious white terrorists of all-time. When you hear the word terrorist in our national media conversation, you usually hear the words Islamic and Muslim right before it. But rarely do […]

Jared Loughner may not have attended a Tea Party rally or registered with any Tea Party groups, but he shares several similarities with the Tea Party movement. 1. Anger Against The Government The first obviously is his anger against the government. His violent act reflected the anger against government for health care, and immigration symbolized […]

Bill Clinton gave a speech to the Center for American Progress on the anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma city. He compared the political climate of today to the time when McVeigh committed his act of domestic terrorism. He said:

The Tea Party, which started off as a Libertarian protest against taxes and government, has turned into a right wing, corporate sponsored, racist hate-fest. Three groups have joined the Libertarian founders of the Tea Party movement to add money, racism, hatred and conspiracy theory based paranoia to the Tea Pot. Neo-Cons (Neo-Conservatives) Republican insiders responsible […]