For those who are tired of looking at Floyd Mayweather’s mugshots, there may be something worth looking forward to in the sport of boxing.

Although it’s several years from being released, some of you may have heard by now that Will Smith is preparing to play the part of 25th dynasty Egyptian Pharoah, Taharqa, in a major Hollywood film set for 2013.

Willow Smith, the nine-year-old daughter of actor Will Smith, has signed a record deal with rapper Jay-Z and her first single is already kicking up a storm on the Internet.

And let’s really do it right this time. Let’s install our own leadership over there. Put Jay-Z in charge. Then let’s go after Ireland and install Will Smith. Then let’s take over the rest of Europe. As many countries as we have rappers for.

From MSNBC: They are three of the biggest stars in Hollywood. They are also black.

No name on the marquee was more pleasing to theater owners in 2008 than Will Smith, according to a survey of movie exhibitors. Smith, star of “Hancock” and “Seven Pounds,” was voted the star who generated the most box office revenue for theaters in an annual survey by Quigley Publishing Co.

See more of NewsOne’s BEST OF EVERYTHING 2008!!! This election was one of the most powerful events in American history. Barack Obama’s impact on the nation has been unseen in a lifetime. Obama’s rise and victory brought extreme emotions from everybody from politicians, entertainers, to regular working class people. Here’s a retrospective on the many […]