
While clubbing at Emerson Theatre in Hollywood Thursday night, Chris Brown grabbed the microphone and broke into a song about how men should control their “female’s” vagina…or else. “You GOTTA say that one thing to her … Don’t make me have to tell you again, that’s my p***y baby! … so you better not give […]


Indiana woman Natisha Hillard, 24, allegedly sold her 18-month-old daughter to a man for the purpose of making child pornography, reports the Huffington Post. Christopher Bour, 39, was charged with “buying a child to produce child pornography, producing child pornography and possessing child pornography featuring a minor younger than 12.” Investigators were alerted to their […]

Writer, inspirational speaker, anti-domestic violence activist and woman on a mission, Sil Lai Abrams (pictured below) has had enough of the fleeting, microwave outrage that sputters around pseudo-reality television and is fighting fire with facts. Determined to move beyond hastily crafted petitions and boycotts, Abrams created “Truth in Reality,”  a grassroots  media advocacy organization committed to changing […]