Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee wants people to believe that nothing would be more "embarrassing" for Republicans than Hakeem Jeffries as House Speaker.

2024 will "be the last American election decided by ballots rather than bullets,” he said.

During an appearance on the Iowa radio program Mickelson in the Morning, Republican candidate Mike Huckabee agreed when the conservative host used a bible verse to justify selling poor people into slavery.


When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called for the shooter, identified as Walter Palmer, to apologize and somehow right his wrong. And rightfully so. Big game hunting is cruel and in many cases, detrimental to the small […]

NewsOne Original, Politics

The push-back against President Obama over remarks made at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast boil down to “How dare POTUS remind us that Christianity has been used to justify evil acts like every other religion?” In the wake of increasing anxiety over extremists citing their Islamic beliefs to commit acts of terror, Obama offered some […]


UPDATED, 2:30 PM EST, 1-19-15:  Mike Huckabee apparently did not know about Beyoncé’s loyal fan base, the Beyhive. After stinging backlash, the Republican presidential hopeful on Sunday walked back harsh criticism of President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for allowing Sasha and Malia to listen to Beyoncé, according to The Hill, citing a report at […]

Dear Republicans: I know that in your mind, Benghazi is all the rage out here on these streets, or at the very least, ought to be. However, I need to inform y’all (for the umpteenth time) that Benghazi is not going to be the big Democratic-hurting scandal you want it to be. No matter how hard you […]