
3. Cook For The Week

This does not have to be a daunting task! There are so many things you can cook to last you all week that are versatile enough to switch up how you serve it up. For instance, you can make a corn salad with avocado, tomato, cilantro and lime and have that as one of your sides and you can even dice up some chicken and wrap it up for a delicious wrap! Speaking of chicken–you can cook a few pieces of chicken, fish, beef or your protein of choice and portion them for your lunch, along with your side salad, cheese and crackers, or whatever you choose! Cooking for the week requires planning. You have to shop right and make a special note of all the ingredients that can be used in more than one dish.

4. Use Your Leftovers

Choose foods that make great-tasting leftovers. Making an entire pot of soup–no matter the contents–helps you stretch your meal through the week. Roasting an entire chicken gives you so many options. The chicken can serve as the anchor of your meal and be served with delicious sides. You can also chop the chicken to put in salads, in a taco/burrito or even use it with your favorite pasta. Catch my drift now beauties? There’s so many creative ways to make certain staple ingredients stretch.

5. Get Yourself Some Tupperware

One of the biggest pieces to puzzle of brown bagging it is not having the proper storage for your food. You will need containers to keep your week’s worth of food as well as smaller portion sized tupperware to fill and bring to work. One of my coworkers admittedly doesn’t bring her lunch because she doesn’t have anything to put it in. You don’t want to find yourself spending $220 a month because you refuse to spend $20 on tupperware.

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