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After nearly a week of national protests of police violence following the in-custody killing of an unarmed Black man in Minneapolis, you’d think the cops might actually hear at least some of the message demonstraters are saying. Instead, videos of unfortunate police encounters has seemingly proliferated since footage of George Floyd‘s death went viral. Most of them have had terrible outcomes, the latest instance purportedly shows one FBI agent exposing the ineptitude of two cops who hopefully don’t get assigned to working any of the protests.

From police officers intentionally driving directly into a group of protesters to others getting fired for so-called “excessive force” — an understatement — when they yanked one HBCU student out of a car and Tasered another without provocation or justification, Floyd’s death hasn’t just inspired uprisings among regular citizens; it’s also apparently emboldened police to get even more violent. And everything seems to be caught on video as proof.

Case in point: A timely new viral video of a police encounter with a Black man was making the rounds Monday morning. It purportedly showed two white police officers accosting a Black man and handcuffing him in a public place as an unidentified onlooker films the episode. The Black man repeatedly warns the officers to uncuff him because he is not wh they are looking for. The officers, seemingly ignoring him, continue rifling through his pockets as one of them comes up with the Black man’s wallet. That’s when the cops found out they did indeed have the wrong man — an FBI agent who was calling them out for racial profiling.

When he asked a third, presumably supervising officer who is shown walking up toward the end of the video if this is how all of the department’s officers conduct himself, he was told yes.

Watch the madness unfold below.

While details about the apparent incident were scarce, if not unverified, the larger point should have been impossible to miss. The overzealous policing of Black lives is what prompted the nation to erupt in protest in the first place. If true, the encounter shown on the video could have easily turned deadly for the FBI agent, just like Floyd’s alleged forgery suspicion that got him handcuffed and brutalized to death last week.

But this is America.


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