About ionelholloway

Michelle Obama launched a project that will allow students and educators around the nation to access scores of e-books.

President Barack Obama is said to be considering nominating Republican Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, a centrist former federal judge, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, reports the Washington Post, which cites sources.

The Brooklyn District Attorney's office on Wednesday dropped charges against five teens who were accused of raping an 18-year-old woman in a Brooklyn, New York park, according to DNAinfo.

During one of the most open discussions yet about race among Democratic presidential candidates, front-runner Hillary Clinton delivered a heartfelt answer to a Black woman's question about how she would tackle institutional racism in post-Ferguson America.

Declaring his love for voters who swept him to victory Tuesday in the Nevada presidential caucuses, Donald Trump claimed his third straight victory in an early voting state.

For days, people have been wondering who shouted out "Haay, Michelle" to the First Lady at last week's Black History Month celebration.

WGN America’s new Underground Railroad drama will screen at the White House on Monday evening, continuing a monthlong celebration of Black History.

“I thought I would never live to get in the White House,” Virginia McLaurin exclaims during the meeting.

President Barack Obama has long made it known that he is a great admirer of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. During his first term in office, he added a sculpture of King's to the Oval Office. The bust made history in 2000 when it became the first image of an African American in any public space in the White House. So it is only fitting that during his final Black History Month as President of the United States, Obama welcomed four members of King's family to view the bust in the Oval Office for the first time.

A federal judge heard arguments Thursday on whether a wrongful death lawsuit against the Texas state trooper should be delayed until after his criminal trial.

Two workers at Chicago's 911 center have been suspended without pay after failing to send police to assist Quintonio LeGrier, who called 911 three times for help on Dec. 26 from his father’s West Side apartment, reports the Washington Post.

Senior U.S. District Judge Hayden Head of the Southern District of Texas, condemned the men for the brutal attack, saying they "abandoned their humanity to the viciousness of animals."