About Nigel Roberts

Republican leaders are calling for Roy Moore to end his Senate campaign if allegations of sexual contact with an underage teen are true.

There has been an overall decline in well-being across the United States, but Black people had it the worst, a new survey has found.

Nikki Webber Allen launched I Live For, a nonprofit that provides a platform to address mental illness for Black teenagers.

Someone posted tweets falsely telling Democratic voters in Virginia that they could cast a ballot by text message.

Police arrested a mother and her boyfriend for abducting the woman’s 9-year-old twin daughters in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Britain’s blood bank fired off a series of tweets to set the record straight that its campaign for Black blood donors is not racist.

A Georgia science teacher is on administrative leave after a video posted on social media shows him threatening to shoot a student.

DACA recipients have options and networks to help them avoid deportation and to cope with their fears.

Kevin Patrick Kelley reportedly threatened a Hispanic woman on social media over her criticism of President Donald Trump.

High Black voter turnout was a key to the Democrats' 2017 Election Day victories.

A new documentary, titled “Black Lives/Black Lungs,” exposes the tobacco industry's scheme to addict Blacks to menthol cigarettes.

Researchers from Bates College created a database of 1,300 children’s books and found a pattern of stereotyping characters of color.