About Nigel Roberts

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul challenged the light sentence that former Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke received for killing Laquan McDonald.

Morgan State University won a three-year, $1.6 million Aerospace Workforce and Leadership Development Grant.

Baltimore officials introduce their new acting police commissioner.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson sent one of President Trump’s most loyal Black supporters Monday to live temporarily in New York City public housing.

British Airways tried to manage a firestorm over pilots who were accused of using racial slurs in emails and sending other offensive messages.

Fashion designer Daniel “Dapper Dan” Day said he will hold Gucci “accountable” for its offensive blackface sweater.

Black Virginians are far more willing to allow Gov. Ralph Northam to remain in office despite his blackface scandal compared with white residents.

Many Twitter users said the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus' call for Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax to resign is premature.

Virginia's Legislative Black Caucus takes the lead in addressing the state party's growing crisis.

The Senate is expected to confirm William Barr as Attorney General.

The woman who accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault issued an official statement. She's getting a growing number of supporters.

Republican Kirk Cox Could Become Virginia Governor If Scandals Bring Down Democrats