About Nigel Roberts

A mom blames her infant's death on the company and city officials' failure to fix a 911 call center problem.

Oakland's school district launches an achievement program for Black girls. An emphasis on Black boys often overshadows their needs.

A Gallup poll finds that Democrats are more worried than Republicans are about race relations.

Chicago's chief judge orders the police to grant arrested suspects access to free lawyers early in the criminal justice process.

The DOJ and the Cleveland School District in Mississippi settle a 5-decades old desegregation battle.

The IRS strips tax-exempt status from Richard Spencer's White nationalist organization.

Educators encourage girls of color to pursue their passion for technology and science.

A study says some cops perceive Black men as larger, more dangerous than White men of the same size.

Protesters in Charlotte, North Carolina are calling for a boycott of an Asian-owned beauty supply store whose owner choked a Black customer.

A South Carolina family sues a doctor who botched a procedure he learned from watching YouTube.

A judge sets $5,000 bail for a young mother accused of assaulting an elderly woman who shamed her parenting skills.