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The attack happened two days before Valentine's Day in Riverdale, Georgia. Marquez Tolbert, slept over at the apartment of Anthony Gooden's family. The couple was later violently awoken by Martin Blackwell, the boyfriend of Gooden's mother, who allegedly poured scalding water on them as they slept, the report says.


The move comes after the fatal shooting of Jamar Clark, the Black man who was killed by two Minneapolis cops last fall. His death sparked months of protests to release the video of his shooting and prosecute the officers involved.


Ken Johnson, 35, opened fire while pursuing the fleeing teenagers, identified as Jose Cruz and Edgar Rodriguez, in his vehicle. The boys were allegedly attempting to break into an SUV, which was parked in his apartment building's parking lot.

Donald Trump told CNN that violence could erupt if he finishes with the most delegates, and the nomination goes to someone else.

Trump's presence on the list marks the first time the firm has considered the rise of a presidential candidate as a global risk.


According to reports, Coley passed away on Tuesday night while receiving hospice care.

The Georgia teacher who called his student the "dumbest girl" resigned under pressure. Despite an audio recording of the verbal abuse, it took months of pressure to force his resignation.

A new development in the tragic shooting death of Prince George's County officer Jacai Colson has been revealed to the public, adding a bizarre wrinkle to a matter that still begs many questions.

An Idaho county sheriff in charge of deciding whether or not to test rape kits angered the public after he suggested that most victims' rape kits don't need to be tested because they were never actually assaulted.

The death of Gynnya McMillen, 16, in a Kentucky detention center earlier this year sparked anger among civil rights activists as details emerged about her passing. But officials say that the teen, who was discovered in her cell on Jan. 11, died of an irregular heartbeat and not from an altercation with the facility's staff, according to BuzzFeed.

Grandma Virginia was visited by members of the exhibition basketball troupe on Tuesday at the Roots Public Charter School in Washington D.C., where McLaurin volunteers as a foster grandma for the children. Players Moose Weekes and Zeus McClurkin danced for McLaurin and spoke to the children about the importance of education.

Former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry gave her first in-depth interview on her breakup with the network. She felt that MSNBC didn't care about her.