
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.

Ben Carson and Kanye are in conversation.

Comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a brutal roasting of the president, his administration, and particularly Sarah Sanders at the 2018 White House Correspondents' Association dinner.

Setti Warren dropped out for financial reasons.

Will Democrats find the next Obama?


Chicago-bred Black tech entrepreneur Neal Sales-Griffin announced his mayoral bid on Saturday.

Hurricane Carson is destroying low-income communities across the country.

James Comey's leaked memos show his feelings about key Black folks in Obama’s administration, including the 44th president himself.


Where people live in the US is still often influenced by racial discrimination. Is the federal government doing enough to carry out the vision of the civil rights era legislation?