
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.


Obama said he wasn't surprised by Trump's Rise in the presidential race.


The rally, which follows comments Trump made earlier in the day seeming to condone violence at his rallies, descended into chaos when protestors and supporters of the GOP frontrunner clashed on the arena floor.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump announced Thursday during a debate at Miami University that former challenger Ben Carson will endorse him Friday at a press conference at the real estate mogul's private Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders declined to call Republican front-runner Donald Trump a racist when asked the question during a debate Wednesday at Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida. But they hammered away at his racist and xenophobic rhetoric.


For the past several months, the nation has seen Donald Trump's evolution from boisterous real estate mogul to the Republican Party's presidential front-runner.


Attorney General Loretta Lynch has pulled her name from the pool of possible nominees to the Supreme Court Tuesday, asking that she "not be considered" for the seat.

Colin Powell, appearing on CBS' This Morning, criticized the vulgarity and childishness of the Republican presidential candidates. He hopes the national mourning for Nancy Reagan will usher in a period of civility.

Over the weekend, presidential hopeful and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump garnered an endorsement from another unlikely source -- the brother of murdered civil rights leader Medgar Evers.

At the top of a heated Democratic presidential primary debate on Sunday in Michigan, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders called on the state's Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to resign amid the Flint water crisis.


Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) addresses the importance of voting rights for disadvantaged communities, the fight for inclusion, and equal representation for America's island territories during this week's edition of the CBC's Message to America.

While Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump bragged about his penis size at the start of Thursday night's raucous debate in Detroit, Michigan, the Flint water crisis was the 33rd question.

In a talk aimed at slowing Donald Trump's momentum as the Republican presidential front-runner, Mitt Romney on Thursday came out swinging against the divisive candidate during an address in Salt Lake City.