
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.

Clearing up comments he made, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he "misspoke" when he suggested women's health was overfunded.

PolitickerOne: President Obama and prominent Black clergy leaders plan to push for the restoration of the Voting Rights Act. Martin Luther King III spoke exclusively with NewsOne.

Senate Democratic leaders on Monday blocked a procedural vote that would have cut funding for Planned Parenthood, according to The Huffington Post. Republican leaders needed 60 votes to move the measure to the Senate floor, but they came up short in a vote of 53-46, The Post writes. From The Huffington Post: Every Democrat except […]


If you didn't know, August 4 marks President Obama's 54th birthday. To celebrate his age, full of wisdom and knowledge, we've decided to

President Barack Obama announced the final version of the Clean Power Plan on Sunday morning. The plan is projected to cost $8.4 billion and will most likely face some legal hurdles from various coal producers and states. In June, the President announced the proposal, which initially stated there would be less carbon pollution cuts done with less […]

During a Sunday interview with ABC News, presidential candidate Donald Trump defended comments he made about Barack Obama, concluding that America will not see a Black president for quite some time due to the legacy the current Commander-In-Chief has left behind. The comments came after Trump, who has been in the news lately for disparaging […]

NewsOne’s PolitickerOne blog tackles some of the most important topics in politics: Election 2016, moves by the Obama administration, voting rights, lawmaking, and the way that elected officials represent our communities. Three times a week, we will go beyond the mainstream media’s “pack” coverage of politics to highlight the underreported aspects of how politics and policy […]


When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called for the shooter, identified as Walter Palmer, to apologize and somehow right his wrong. And rightfully so. Big game hunting is cruel and in many cases, detrimental to the small […]


Following the unveiling of legislation that may defund Planned Parenthood, democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Wednesday the move is “an attack women’s health.” According to the Huffington Post, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) fast-tracked the legislation Tuesday; the same day Republicans announced the measure. “The attempt by Senate Republicans to […]

PolitickerOne: Congress appears ready to revise decades of policy that boosted the number of incarcerated Americans. Plus: Rep. Fattah indicted on "racketeering conspiracy" charges.

Cross Post Now, Politics, World

Speaking to the African Union, he cited lifting "50 million Africans from poverty," and mentioned slavery, women's rights and term limits

In a dramatic illustration of democracy in action, Barack Obama on Tuesday told the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that he would love to remain president for a third term, but is unfortunately barred by the U.S. Constitution, according to CNN. The president gently urged the Ethiopian government towards democracy after a long era […]