
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.

Black Twitter was definitely full of reaction and very divided on the issue of reparations with many finding hope in the hearing while others thought it was a complete waste of time.

Joe Biden comments about a segregationist has Democrats infighting.

Perhaps no other issue among presidential candidates has managed to get as much attention as the argument surrounding reparations for descendants of slaves.

The former vice president fondly recalled two racist former U.S. Senators during a speech in New York City.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the queen of lies, is leaving Trump's White House.

A new report claims that former Vice President Joe Biden has repeatedly and knowingly lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement.


Democratic White House hopeful Elizabeth Warren visited "The Breakfast Club" morning radio show in what has become somewhat of a rite of passage for presidential candidates trying to maximize their appeal to Black voters.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren called Fox News a "hate profit scam" and Meghan McCain couldn't handle it.

The former Lakers star talked about interracial dating in a recent interview.


Bob Mueller received the meme treatment across Twitter as social media users resorted to humor to mask their apparent frustration that Trump's presidency will live to see another day.

The HUD official is violating the law in plain sight.

The buzz surrounding California Sen. Kamala Harris seemed to be at a fever pitch in the hours following her town hall event on MSNBC Tuesday night in Spartanburg, South Carolina.