Video Category

Country music star Jason Aldean, who has a history of anti-Black antics, is facing his latest allegations of racism over a music video for a sing with lynch-happy undertones.

Kirk, a community college dropout, thinks prominent Black women like Michelle Obama and Ketanji Brown Jackson didn't have "the brain processing power" to get into good schools without affirmative action.

Another summer means more videos of white women trying to police swimming pools.

Video Category

Kenny Mitchell has addressed a viral video in which a Black man's claims of wealth from investing in Snapchat were greeted with doubts.

A viral video shows a racist white man and alleged pedophile harassing a Mexican vendor, prompting the community to protest and the police to intervene with an unexpected twist.

Video footage shows an angry "Karen" yelling at a Black man to move from her parking space as she blocks his car, preventing him from moving. You can't make this stuff up.

Police Brutality

Graphic video footage on social media shows at least one Shreveport police officer beating and dragging an "unconscious" Black woman.

A viral video showed the hate groups battling over which one is the Feds.

Video Category

A group of Black American women shown twerking at Ghana’s historic slave trading post Cape Coast Castle has sparked a social media backlash, but is it deserved?

Calm down, Karen. Let the young people have their moment.