Good News

Track and field Olympian Allyson Felix has teamed up with Pampers for an initiative designed to address the Black maternal health crisis.

Good News

Cayaba Care, a company that strives to eradicate maternal health disparities, has received $12 million in funding.

In a new video, Jessica Knight-Henry, deputy executive director at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee draws a connection between abortion bans and increased restrictions on maternal health outcomes.

Beyond discussing the stark disparity in maternal mortality between Black and white women, there is an opportunity to explore alternatives in medical care and bridge the gap in care.

African American mothers are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than White women.

Bush used the phrase "Black birthing people," during her Capitol Hill testimony this week as part of an important emerging norm.

The youngest Black woman to serve in Congress, Underwood walks softly but packs a real punch in legislative action. A registered nurse by training, Underwood has prioritized Black maternal health.

Good News

An app focused on Black maternal health received a $200K grant.

Good News

Tennis star Serena Williams has invested in a startup focused on maternal health.

Health Conditions

Since Black women in the U.S. are the most likely to die from pregnancy-related complications, how we talk about race, risk, and maternal death matters.