
This isn’t an accident. This is a direct order. From an illegitimate governor. And a cruelty that knows no limit. 

He says a Miami Herald report is "false" and "inaccurate."

Barbershop owners and entrepreneurs speak out.

The Congressional Black Caucus says the Senate's Emergency Interim Aid Bill still overlooks the disproportionate effect the coronavirus is having on Black people.

Good News

Award-winning bespoke boutique Harlem Haberdashery is creating and donating personal protective equipment to New York City hospitals.

Good News

10-year-old Chelsea Phaire is creating art kits for children living in homeless shelters amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Good News

Award-winning intellectual property lawyer Kimra Major-Morris shares how Black entrepreneurs can protect their online businesses amid COVID-19.

He gives his side of the story saying he was coming back from "picking up Black children."


Some demonstrators proudly parade around their guns and shout about a pending "revolution."

A family is left devastated after their daughter passed from COVID-19 complications.

Good News

Comedian Michael Che will cover one month’s rent for residents who reside in the NYCHA building where his late grandmother once lived.