Medical professionals put their foot down in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Good News

Ava DuVernay’s nonprofit ARRAY Alliance launched a $250,000 fund for creators and organizations who are dedicated to bringing stories about underserved communities to the forefront.

Good News

World-renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson has teamed up with World Central Kitchen to fight food insecurity and provide support for small business owners in Newark.

Good News

Social entrepreneur Rodney Smith Jr. is providing Huntsville residents with free lawn mowing services and care packages amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Good News

The Atlanta-based Black-owned restaurant Slutty Vegan donated meals to the city’s senior citizens.

The pandemic's stay at home order has seemingly not just effectively fostered anti-Black rhetoric online but also increased it.

The far-right sunken news pundit goes off on social media.

Trump ordered his name to be printed on physical stimulus checks, a move that could further delay their delivery to Americans who need that money sooner than later.


Here’s what you need to know: Black people’s vulnerability to the coronavirus has little to do with our own actions. It’s about America, racism and a system that is working to perfection for white supremacy. 

She addresses a letter to Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.

He says the Miami officer who stopped him didn't wear face protection and put him at risk.

"Credulous Dollar" starts trending on Twitter as a jab to prosperity gospel minister Creflo Dollar.