
Donald Trump has appointed racist Obama birther, Mark Meadows, as the new White House chief of staff.


Donald Trump has blamed "rules" former President Barack Obama put in place, which affected his response to the coronavirus. Obama seemingly responded with shade, advising people to "listen to the experts."


She says the current man in the White House should get "some credit."

Donald Trump, Candace Owens, Paris Dennard, Diamond and Silk and other MAGA Black folks visited the White House for a sunken African American History Month celebration.


He cries about the South Korean movie "Parasite" winning Best Picture.

Trump took a moment to single out Tim Scott, the, well, single Black Republican in the Senate, to credit him for being such a trusty and tirelessly blind loyalist.


White men supporting Trump are attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping his SOTU speech, but are ignoring the laundry list of racist things he has done.


The conservative host now faces serious health problems.

For a racist president, Donald Trump sure did invite a lot of Black folks to be his special guests at the State of the Union address. But a closer look beneath the surface of the president's words revealed his true colors.

Maxine Waters headlines a growing list of Democrats expected to boycott President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union address.

Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley's rebuttal to the State of the Union address will make her the third Black woman in two years to respond to in an official political capacity.