On the other hand, Black men are supporting Trump at horrific numbers...

The deplorable Ben Carson continues with his demonic ways.

Well, this is what happens when you defend a racist. They eventually turn on you.

Like Candace Owens and Omarosa before her, Isaiah Washington plans to insult as many Black folks as possible to get an increase in his white supremacist fanbase.

Isaiah Washington has found a new career...

Alice Marie Johnson is the grandmother who served more than 20 years in prison for a first-time, non-violent drug offense. The world knew her when  Kim Kardashian advocated for her release and she was granted her clemency by Trump. Now she will be a model for Kardashian’s shapewear line, which was blasted for its original name. […]

Of course Ben Carson and HUD has yet to approve Baltimore's rat extermination program.

The rapper appears to have ghosted the White House.

This is from the same person who refuses to say Trump or Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King are racists.

Stacey Abrams' passion is voter suppression.