Although he hasn't entered the presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden is polling better than most declared candidates.

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump ejected a top Hispanic news anchor from a news conference for, well, trying to ask a question.

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about: Mom Slams #BlackLivesMatter For Not Addressing Black-On-Black Crime Black Activists Unveil Policy Demands With Campaign Zero; Trump Rally Song Not So “Sweet” For Black Folks Donald Trump Admits He Knows Nothing About Black Lives Matter…But We Already Knew That Judge Orders Withdrawal […]

In a Fox News interview over the weekend, Donald Trump admitted what many voters already knew — he doesn’t understand the Black Lives Matter movement. When asked his thoughts on what has arguably become the largest civil rights movement in recent decades, Trump responded that he knows “nothing about it.” “I’m seeing lots of bad stuff […]


According to a new study, African-American students get suspended or expelled at higher rates than White students in southern states.

PolitickerOne: Activist Deray McKesson tells NewsOne how the policy platform, aimed at ending police violence, was develped. Plus: The history behind Trump's Lynyrd Skynyrd fail.


Supporters of Donald “Build a Wall” Trump screamed “White Power” at a campaign rally at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Ala., according to various news reports. In true one-percenter fashion, Trump’s Boeing 757 jet — with T-RU-M-P adorning the side — dipped over the stadium to raucous cheers before landing at a nearby airport. Once “The Donald” […]

Vice President Joe Biden performs better than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in hypothetical general-election match-ups.

Two Boston men are facing assault charges for beating up a homeless man after citing Donald Trump's stance on immigration as inspiration.

Jan Mickelson, the conservative talk show host, announced a plan to force undocumented immigrants to become "property of the state."

So, a 15 year old using the name ‘Deez Nuts’ is running for President. And 9% of North Carolina would vote for him… — Norm Kelly (@norm) August 20, 2015 Who is Deez Nuts, the Independent 2016 presidential candidate who is reportedly polling at 9 percent in North Carolina against Republican and Democratic frontrunners […]

Revoking citizenship rights for those who were born here, even if their parents aren't here legally, would hurl the U.S. back to its racist past.