The fight for civil rights isn't just about voting, it also encompasses equality in everyday living, including the right not to be discriminated against when trying to purchase or sell a home.

Fewer Black families are buying homes, which has stretched the Black homeownership gap to its highest rates since the 1960s.

The racially discriminatory "redlining" lending practice has been outlawed for centuries, but unfortunately, a few remnants of the prejudice protocol continue to haunt Black and Brown homeowners today.


The new initiative comes as the Department of Justice reached a settlement against Trustmark for engaging in lending discrimination. An investigation found Trustmark engaged in unlawful redlining by avoiding Black and Latino neighborhoods in Memphis through lending and opening branches. Trustmark was also found to have sufficient internal policies to address the issues.

Ben Carson is putting a new spin on Donald Trump's infamous presidential campaign slogan. The HUD secretary wants to make, and keep, America segregated again, according to the agency's latest proposed rule.

HUD sues Facebook for violating the Fair Housing Act.


Where people live in the US is still often influenced by racial discrimination. Is the federal government doing enough to carry out the vision of the civil rights era legislation?