Now, I suppose it is conceivable that white supremacists and the private prison industry could join forces in support of a good piece of legislation. After all, anything is possible.

There have been a number of videos circulating around the internet showing the ignorance, fear and hatred of McCain/Palin supporters. Many are disturbing and show the deep rooted ignorance of McCain’s supporters as well as what McCain and Palin are doing to to incite this anger. Here are our Top 5 McCain Palin Hate-Mob videos.

Last night in the debate, McCain asked Obama to repudiate John Lewis’s comparison of McCain to Geroge Wallace. This is funny coming from a man who’s surrogates and campaign managers actively compare Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden. What McCain didn’t get and that Obama pointed out is that Lewis was not trying to insinuate […]

Damn, these videos keep popping up. This is the first one that I’ve seen where Obama has been called the N-Word. Who is fueling their anger and ideas? McCain and Palin? Right wing talk radio? Is McCain now openly courting the racist vote?

Recently John McCain said about his rallies “There is always the fringe element that’s in politics in America. The overwhelming majority of the people that come to my rallies are good and decent and patriotic Americans, For anybody to intimate that the overwhelming … 99 percent is anything but patriotic and good Americans is frankly […]

Democrat Barack Obama accused Republican John McCain of trying to divide the country Friday, but he let other Democrats handle harsher attacks while he kept his message mostly upbeat.