Crime, NewsOne Now, Video Category

Angela Rye shared why Black America should focus on our "what's now" problem manifested in GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.


But this RNC feels different. Dangerous. And that concern is not stemming from the militarized police forces surrounding the convention center, no matter how unsettling.

Watch Roland Martin and NewsOne Now's coverage of the alleged Afrika Bambaataa sexual assault and abuse scandal in the video clip above.

Watch the video above to see how these stars made their millions.

Arum, along with WSB-TV'S Fred Blankenship, took the creative route by including Malik Issac Taylor's lyrics in Wednesday's traffic report. Arum incorporated lyrics from ATCQ's "Award Tour" and "Oh My God," and still managed to effortlessly report on accidents and roadblocks throughout the city.


President Obama has reportedly lost five pounds since his 2014 physical.

Dr. Chris Emdin visits an urban classroom to demonstrate his innovative method of teaching science concepts. He uses hip-hop as a gateway.

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Roland Martin talked with some of the best up and coming, as well as established Soul, R&B, Hip-Hop and Gospel artists in the music industry.

Pope Francis became everyone’s favorite rapper Monday after a convincing photo inspired Twitter users to pair him with the hilarious #PopeBars hashtag.