Everyone who has a common interest in Mother Earth is aware of Earth Day and more than likely hip to the strained relationship between politics and climate control. On the global holiday this year, President Barack Obama spoke about the importance of acknowledging climate change during his speech in the Florida Everglades Wednesday. In a special video, […]


Jeb Bush’s digital guru resigned Tuesday amid a firestorm of controversy after the aide’s racially insensitive comments surfaced and threatened to undermine the GOP presidential hopeful’s bid for the White House in 2016, according to the Washington Post. SEE ALSO: Nearly 4,000 Victims In Over 73 Years Of “Racial Terror Lynchings” In Jim Crow South The […]

This week, former Florida governor Jeb Bush took to his Facebook page to announce that he has “decided to actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United States.” In other words, Bush would like everyone — but most especially Rand Paul, Chris Christie (and Mitt Romney hiding in a dark corner) —  to know that […]

NewsOne Now, NewsOne Original

Is it some kind of unwritten rule that only people with the last name of Bush or Clinton get to run for president, Barack Obama notwithstanding? We’ve had 2 Bushes and one Clinton in the White House already, and now Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are being talked about as major contenders for the 2016 […]


What is “stand your ground?” “Stand your ground” laws are self-defense laws that allow citizens to use deadly force without first being required to flee dangerous situations. “Stand your ground” laws became a topic of national debate after the Feb. 26, 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin. In that case, George Zimmerman used “stand your ground” […]


In an interview with NBC’s “Today Show,” Bush matriarch, Barbara (pictured far left), stunned both viewers and family alike, when she said that she doesn’t want to see her son Jeb run for president in 2016. SEE ALSO: Boehner’s Jamaican-Born Future Son-In-Law Has Rap Sheet For Weed Seated with her daughter-in-law, Laura (pictured second from […]