The Obama campaign has faced racism down with competence and transcendence. Unfortunately, as Barack Obama and his supporters have capably defiled anyone using old-hat racist themes to evoke Confederacy Era paranoia, there have been snickering bigots waiting in the fold with one image after another designed to poke fun at his identity. Ta-Nehisi Coates commented […]

Damn, these videos keep popping up. This is the first one that I’ve seen where Obama has been called the N-Word. Who is fueling their anger and ideas? McCain and Palin? Right wing talk radio? Is McCain now openly courting the racist vote?

In her acceptance speech at the RNC, Palin quoted Westbook Pegler, when she said ‘We grow good people in those small towns with honesty and sincerity and dignity.’ She didn’t give the name of the writer however, perhaps for good reason. Westbrook Pegler attacked Roosevelt’s progressive policies that led the US out of depression and […]