According to a special report from the U.S. Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty. The number of those living in poverty in America has grown by 2.6 million in just the last 12 months, and that is the largest increase that we have ever seen since the U.S. government began calculating […]

This past week in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney had his biggest win to date. He finished with a double-digit lead, and is speech sounded a lot like he was accepting the nomination, rather than celebrating his New Hampshire win. It was filled with many juxtapositions of what the President does and what he will do, […]

We talked earlier about all of these different comments that Republican candidates have been making when it comes to African-Americans and food stamps and welfare and things along those lines. Let’s be clear. This is all by design in terms of they want to push the buttons of White conservatives who’re walking around with particular […]

The race for the Republican nomination is full steam ahead. The Iowa caucus weeded out Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and made Rick Santorum a credible contender, even though he lost — just by eight votes. With a win in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney may be pulling away from the rest of the GOP presidential candidates. Former […]

Since 2008, African-American women have taken pride in the fact that the First Lady is finally someone who looks like them. Not only is she smart; she’s also beautiful. And ask any sister, and she’ll tell you First Lady Michelle Obama can dress. “Essence” magazine’s editor-at-large Mikki Taylor knows what it takes to have that […]

A recent study by the Yale University Child Study Center shows that Black children — especially boys — no matter their family income, receive less attention, harsher punishment and lower marks in school than their White counterparts from kindergarten all the way through college. A subsequent article published in “The Washington Post” reported that Black […]

By Roland S. Martin Editor-in-Chief To the Republican voters in the other 49 states, I sympathize with you. It must be painful to turn on every cable and broadcast network, read the websites and follow the blogs and realize that you mean absolutely nothing when it comes to choosing a GOP nominee for president […]

Roland Martin and Ron Bonjean join Natalie Allen in the CNN Newsroom to discuss the GOP presidential field shake up.

Roland Martin and Washington Watch traveled to the Potter’s House to discuss the importance of fathers in the African-American community. Roland Martin and his panel of guess talk about examples of how people come to the aid of fatherless children. Nyesha Jones believes that God blessed her with the presence of her stepfather. Antonio Griffin […]

Roland Martin and Washington Watch traveled to the Potter’s House to talk about the fatherhood crisis in the African-American community. In this segment Roland and his panel discuss what it’s like to grow up without a father. Roland’s guests: Perri’ Camper, whose parents divorced when she was just a year old; Jo Patterson, whose father […]

Roland Martin and Washington Watch traveled to the Potter’s House to discuss the importance of fathers in the African-American community. In this segment of the show Roland and his panel of guest talk about the effects of growing up without a father and if the women on the panel had problems in their relationships with […]

Roland Martin and Washington Watch traveled to the Potter’s House to discuss the importance of fathers in the African-American community. In this segment of the show Roland talks with a panel of guests who debate if a woman can teach a boy how to be a man.