Multiple clips have surface over the weekend.

The CNN host calmly rips into the current man in the White House.

Folks across the country express their worries about navigating the coronavirus as an African American.

The boxer talks about parenthood along with a video of his son.

A video allegedly shows a nursing home administrator taking boxes of personal protective equipment away from a facility where an employee claimed patients have the coronavirus.

A man spewing racial slurs is caught on camera.


Another instance where it seems the race of the cop didn't prevent them from using excessive force.


A great way to end Black History Month.

The debate over how, when and even if to recline an airplane seat was raging on social media after a video went viral brought attention to passengers' etiquette while flying.


Talent and owners go head-to-head.

Amber Liu is now apologizing and claims she stands with Black Lives Matter...

A lawyer for Steven “Orlando” Foster has filed a claim against BART for detaining the man who was eating a sandwich.