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I know the adage goes “let him who is without sin, cast the first stone,” but some people deserve to be written a ticket to damnation…with the greatest sin being utter stupidity. Meet televangelist Rick Joyner (pictured), who recently made headlines for openly praying to God for a military takeover of the U.S. government. While appearing on “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events,” Joyner claimed that democracy in America has failed and that the nation might not last even to the end of President Barack Obama’s term.

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Why not?

Well, according to Rev. Crazy Town, America is teetering toward tyranny. You know, that rascally Black in the White House won’t let go of power because he’s like Hitler or something.

Enter Joyner’s prayer, which pleads to God to save us — or well, those who look like him —  from dark “forces” that are “at work right now to undermine and destroy the republic.”  If you let him tell it, “our only hope is a military takeover; martial law.”

I’ve wasted God’s time praying for many a silly thing. Say, that one day Beyoncé  and I will sit in a hotel suite, eat Popeye’s, and sip wealthy people’s liquor as we discuss her starring in a movie of my creation. I imagine God gives me a side-eye whenever this prayer enters the universe, but thanks to Joyner, I now realize there are far more annoying heathens.

What exactly is going on that is so terrible in Washington that you pray to God for a government takeover? A health care plan that looks like one drafted by Republicans more than a decade ago?

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I mean, I could see forming a prayer circle to send Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to the Spike Channel and out of the Senate, but other than that, I’m a bit lost.

The initial clip was taken down from YouTube, but things on the Internet never truly go away. So Joyner was forced to address his controversial statements, “I did not plan for that program to be aired just as a government shutdown began.” Still, he claims, America is now sailing deeper and deeper in to these most-treacherous seas. “Also, after his prayers are answered, “Not only will our Republic be restored, but even more importantly, America will turn back to the Lord and fulfill our destiny and purpose.”

Exploiting indigenous people and African slaves in the name of greed and power? Can Rick Joyner get an amen? No? Okay, let’s move on.

Joyner ended the statement by repeating the declaration that caused all of the drama to begin with:

That being said, without a soon and very radical turn back to what we were called to be as a nation, we are going to pass through a time of martial law in America. The crucial issue is who the martial [sic] is going to be. This could be a very difficult time, much darker than we can probably imagine, or it could be a time when peace and stability is restored, and the Republic is restored to its Constitutional moorings. That choice is up to Americans.

As much as I’d love to dismiss the likes of Rick Joyner as some kooky, overly religious, fringe element of the Christian right, the reality is there are plenty of people in the Republican Party who share the fears that President Obama won’t let go of power. In fact, they are the majority.
From an October 2013 Public Policy Polling report:
One in four Americans say that President Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017 – including almost half of Republicans (44 percent). And 26 percent of Americans think that Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia Law in American court systems, while 55 percent don’t think so and another 19 percent aren’t sure. There’s a huge partisan breakdown on this one as well – 42 percent of Republicans fear Sharia Law making its way into America’s courts while just 12 percent of Democrats agree.
Looks like I’ll be praying for the nation too.

Michael Arceneaux is a Houston-bred, Howard-educated writer. You can read more of his work on his site, The Cynical Ones. Follow him on Twitter: @youngsinick