
Get up-to-the-minute coverage of crime and justice issues from a Black perspective, including police brutality cases and breaking news affecting Black communities. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of the latest crime, violence, and safety stories in Black neighborhoods.    

Harrison Floyd is the former leader of Black Voices for Trump.

Police quickly ruled out racism as motivation.


Until about 200 years ago, uniformed police officers and police departments as we know them today didn’t exist in the United States. It was up to the citizens to arrest criminals.


The former State's Attorney for Baltimore was found guilty of federal mortgage fraud in a split verdict months after she was convicted of perjury in a two-pronged corruption case.

Police Brutality

The unarmed Black man was shot in the back six times in Columbus, Ohio.

It was stolen in Kansas and found burned in the trash.

Donald Trump's lawyer is accusing Fani Willis of using the race card. Does the defense attorney even know who his client is?

The Idaho Senate advanced a bill that would define domestic terrorism as terrorist activity committed in connection with "foreign groups." Here's why that's racist.

The white men who killed Ahmaud Arbery are appealing their hate crime convictions.


Roda Osman paid a $10,000 bond after being charged over a GoFundMe to raise money under false pretenses following an alleged brick attack in Houston.

Roda Osman is charged with raising thousands of dollars for an alleged assault cops doubt.

The allegations against Fulton County DA Fani Willis is part of a pattern by Trump and his supporters scapegoating high-profile Black people without any proof, especially those holding him accountable.