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President Donald Trump’s instability is on full display as he privately reverses himself and again questions whether former President Barack Obama was born in the United States, a false claim that helped propel him to the White House, CNN reported.

READ MORE: Show Me Your Papers: The Truth Behind Trump’s Birther Movement

A senator, who requested anonymity, said Trump has not been able to give up the claim that President Obama was born outside of the United States, recalling a conversation with the conspiracy minded president who was a leader of the birther movement, according to The New York Times.

This news comes as some are questioning the president’s grip on reality. In 2016, Trump admitted that the former president was born in the United States, reversing a crusade he began five years earlier that his anti-Obama supporters cheered. Trump’s “Art of the Deal” co-author, Tony Schwartz said at least two White House staffers have expressed concerns about Trump’s mental health, MSNBC reported. Schwartz, and others, have also pointed to Trump’s ongoing questions about the authenticity of a taped conversation of him admitting to habitually assault women by grabbing them in the genitals—even though he publicly acknowledged the authenticity of the recording.

SEE ALSO:  Was Donald Trump Bragging About Being Birther-In-Chief During The Presidential Debate?

Trump fired up the birthers in 2011 when he began questioning President Obama’s birthplace in television interviews, saying in once instance “I’m starting to think that he was not born here.” He also tweeted that “an extremely credible source” told him that the former president’s birth certificate is fraudulent. Trump reached another low point in 2014 when he urged hackers to get hold of President Obama’s college records and check his place of birth—suggesting that the former president was born in Kenya.

SOURCE:  CNN, New York Times, MSNBC


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