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As the world has heard and saw, at least six Philadelphia police officers arrested two Black men at Starbucks after an employee called 911. They were reportedly waiting for a man, identified as Andrew Yaffe, to discuss a business deal. The Starbucks employee called police because the men were doing what everyone does at Starbucks — using the coffee shop as a meeting place without making an immediate purchase. Yaffee arrived as the officers put the men, who were not being disruptive or confrontational, in handcuffs for trespassing. They were in jail for eight hours.

See the viral video below.

Now the 911 call has been released of the employee calling the police. According to the department’s YouTube page, a female caller dialed 911 at 4:37 p.m. and spoke to an operator, saying: “Hi, I have two gentlemen in my cafe who are refusing to make a purchase or leave.” The operator said she would send police. Three minutes later, another dispatcher said a “group of males” was “refusing to leave.” Isn’t it fascinating how they went from “two men” to a “group of males”? Listen below:

According to the police incident report, which we know not to assume is the full truth via, “The two men — who have not been identified — cursed at the store manager and refused to leave even though officers asked ‘multiple times.’ It also accused the men of insulting the police by saying, ‘Cops don’t know the laws,’ and ‘Y’all make 45G a year,’ remarks to which Police Commissioner Richard Ross alluded in his explanation of the events, released on video Saturday.”

This completely contradicts the accounts of every eyewitness who said they men were doing nothing wrong.

While it’s good that Starbucks will conduct a day of training, these men need to be properly compensated for being racially profiled and locked up for eight hours. Starbucks needs to pay up.



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