About Anoa Changa

Anoa Changa (she/her/hers) is a southern-based movement journalist and retired federal government attorney. She currently serves as NewsOne’s weekend editor where she covers news on politics, elections, culture, and justice. Anoa transitioned from a freelance contributor for NewsOne to full-time status in 2021. She also hosts the podcast “The Way with Anoa,” which explores pop culture and politics. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Dismissing the charges is only one step toward justice for Moses. Her voting rights still need restoration.

As an industry, cannabis has rapidly grown into a multibillion-dollar industry.

Discounting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn in 2020 proves that Fox and the Manhattan Institute are not interested in a genuine conversation on the issues. 

Beyond discussing the stark disparity in maternal mortality between Black and white women, there is an opportunity to explore alternatives in medical care and bridge the gap in care.

Led by the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Black Maternal Health Week is celebrated April 11-17. It falls within April, which is also National Minority Health Month.  

Policies should center health and well-being not exacerbate harm.

Senate Democrats were joined by Republican Sens. Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins in advancing Jackson's nomination.

Graham just voted to confirm Jackson last year for another judicial position with a lifetime appointment.

“It is even very clear that our policy at home is to try to solve social problems through military means just as we have done abroad." - Coretta Scott King

In a letter dated March 31, Democrats asked President Biden to extend the pause through the end of the year and take steps toward canceling the federal student loans.