About Anoa Changa

Anoa Changa (she/her/hers) is a southern-based movement journalist and retired federal government attorney. She currently serves as NewsOne’s weekend editor where she covers news on politics, elections, culture, and justice. Anoa transitioned from a freelance contributor for NewsOne to full-time status in 2021. She also hosts the podcast “The Way with Anoa,” which explores pop culture and politics. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

“To have a baby at the very same time as my country is taking away a woman’s right to choose when and how we become mothers is ironic to say the least," Welteroth wrote.

Best known for playing the role of Eric Effiong in the Netflix series “Sex Education," Gatwa’s ascension to the role marks the debut of the first time that a Black actor will lead the show.

The Supreme Court may act like some disinterested body making academic decisions on legal theory, but the justices are very clear on the partisan implications of their actions. 

The president should be held accountable for what he says. But we shouldn’t reward bad actors with online engagement in the process.

The press and those who publish our media need to do some soul searching about what side they are on. 

Supporting the work of abortion funds and reproductive justice organizations is paramount.

The May 3 primary election marks the beginning of a series of major races across the country. 

Although it is not officially recognized as a holiday in the United States, many organizers commemorate International Workers’ Day and the necessity of collective action.

The conversation also comes at a crucial point as media narratives amplify divisions between the two groups.

Despite countless incidents in the intervening 30 years, police accountability continues to be sidelined in favor of unchecked funding increases.

Coretta Scott King’s birthday is a chance to revisit her legacy as a steward of peace and justice.

Being a private entity doesn't mean that a corporate space can do anything it pleases, particularly as shown by large social media sites that have a direct impact on elections and Democracy itself.