Black News

NewsOne brings you in-depth reporting and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, including politics, social justice, entertainment, and more. With exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and up-to-the-minute coverage, we are your go-to source for breaking news and informed perspectives from the Black community.

Black Santa Claus has become a mainstay during this time of the year, but we doubt anyone can top the collection of "Kris Kringles in color" that one New Jersey woman has been collecting for more than 20 years.

Black News

NewsOne is debuting its inaugural Top 50 List, an annual collection of Black excellence that pays homage to unsung individuals who have helped change the world in invaluable ways across multiple professional sectors over the last 12 months.

Russell "Maroon" Shoatz, a former Black Liberation Army soldier former member of the Black Panthers who became a prominent and influential prison abolitionist while behind bars for more than two decades in solitary confinement during a nearly 50-year prison sentence, has died

Howard U is once again in hot water, this time by its own alumni who've filed a lawsuit claiming the university's board of trustees is illegally excluding graduates, current students and even faculty.

Black News

The death of bell hooks drew attention to why the acclaimed author and noted feminist born Gloria Watkins spelled her pen name with all lowercase letters.

Thirty-three-year-old astronaut Jessica Watkins will spend six months up in the cosmos working as a mission specialist on NASA's SpaceX Crew-4. She will be the first Black woman to step foot in the International Space Station.

She's was known as "the fastest woman in the world," but Florence Flo Jo Griffith Joyner was much more than that. She was a loving mother, a designer, and even an actress too.

After already breaking barriers as both the first woman and Black person to be elected as New York State Attorney General, political powerhouse Letitia "Tish" James is continuing her rise in the Democratic ranks by officially running for governor.

Virginia's own Viola Roberts Lampkin Brown hit the big 1-1-0 on October 4, 2021, making her the first and only supercentenarian to reside in the southern state out of the six in total still living.

The satire video, which has amassed more than 460,000 likes on Youtube and over 27,000 retweets on Twitter, had Black people on social media buckled over in laughter, not because it was offensive, but the clip foreshadows how the N-word has become so deeply ingrained in our culture today.

Black News

Viral video shows a white anti-masker telling a Black woman, "As a Black person, you should be ashamed!" after she's refused service for refusing to wear a mask at a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles location in Anaheim, California.

Black News

In case you missed some of the biggest news moments this past week, NewsOne has curated this recap of some of the most significant events of the past seven days to help you catch up with what we call, Your Week In Black News.