
Get up-to-the-minute coverage of crime and justice issues from a Black perspective, including police brutality cases and breaking news affecting Black communities. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of the latest crime, violence, and safety stories in Black neighborhoods.    

Rudy Giuliani said he doesn't regret lies he told about former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Arshaye “Shaye” Moss.

Laneisha Shantrice Henderson tried to burn down Martin Luther King's birth home in Atlanta, police say. But why would a Black person do that?

Race Matters

Izaye Eubanks terrorized his victims "because of their national origin," the DOJ said.

Democratic Attorney General Aaron Ford announced the indictments of six state Republican accused of being fake electors in the 2020 election to rig a win for Trump.

Former Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman and her daughter are the alleged recipients.

Donald Trump's RICO co-defendant Trevian Kutti could be jailed if her latest threats against Ruby Freeman violate the terms of her bond.


Philadelphia has reduced school-based arrests by 91% since 2013.

Brittany Watts is accused of trying to flush a fetus down a toilet after she miscarried.

GOP Florida Chair Christian Ziegler was accused of rape. His wife, Bridget Ziegler, says the sex they had with the victim was consensual.


Dylan Hudson beat and pistol-whipped a "nonviolent" Black man suspected of loitering.

Warren, Michigan, man Anthony Mangiapane was found guilty of shooting at a Black man who passed by his store.


The U.S. Supreme Court declining to hear Derek Chauvin's latest appeal of his conviction for murdering George Floyd should remove any doubt that he won’t serve his full sentences.