
Get the latest education news on issues affecting Black students, teachers, parents, and communities. NewsOne covers everything from policy and funding to social justice and equality in education. Stay informed and empowered with expert commentary, in-depth reporting, and exclusive interviews on the most critical issues for the Black community.

Students4Justice, an activist group at the University of Michigan, recently launched a new petition for students of color to have a space to do social justice work and organizing.

Leaders at more than 100 historically Black colleges are planning a meeting with President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers to discuss overcoming funding and enrollment challenges facing schools on Feb. 28.

Members of Eastern Michigan University's NAACP chapter are raising a strong rallying cry for justice, posting an emotional video to Facebook detailing a series of racial incidents on their campus.

Princeton University has pulled the men's swim and diving team for the rest of the season Thursday after discovering several messages that were "racist, vulgar and offensive."

The National Civil Rights Museum is hosting their 25th Annual 2016 Freedom Awards this evening in Memphis, Tennessee.

The NAACP voted for a moratorium on charter school expansion. But scores of Black parents, many of them longtime members of the organization, oppose the moratorium.

Several Flint, Michigan parents sue school officials for providing inadequate services to their children. They allege that exposure to the city's lead-contaminated water has caused learning disabilities and behavioral problems for many children.

President Obama set out early in his presidency to reform education. He points to major achievements as his term in office comes to an end.

Oakland Public Schools announced plans to launch a program focused on helping Black girls succeed. The school district pioneered a similar program for at-risk Black boys in 2010.

Voters can and should impact education policy in their community, Dr. Charles Davis III, director of Higher Education Research and Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education, tells NewsOne in an exclusive interview at the Democratic National Convention. Candidates for a range of local offices, such […]

The plaintiff, Abigail Noel Fisher, charged the ruling was unfair and that she was a victim of racial discrimination.

The Rev. Al Sharpton and partners are launching a four-city tour to promote the reconnection of communities and schools. The cities are Atlanta, Richmond, Baltimore and Columbia.